Welcome to Shine Fellowship India and our Kingdom Life School!
We are so glad you are here!
We welcome you to this journey of setting aside time from the busyness of life to engage in Level I of Kingdom Life School!
We pray it will be a time of deep discoveries and life-changing God encounters for you! Catch The Fire exists for the world to encounter God's transforming Presence. Changing the world requires more than persuasion. It requires encounters with God.
We endeavor to equip and lead you into knowing Him and His heart for you and others in new ways. A life of great joy awaits as we come into the freedom and wholeness of life in the Kingdom and are able to lead others into the same. The Kingdom is all about relationship, and we pray your hearts will be stirred to burn with even greater desire for a deeper, on fire relationship with God that will transform your life and city.
We hope you complete Level I renewed and committed to seeing the whole world encounter God's transforming Presence. We hope you will be emboldened to bring it to the marketplace, family, city and the nations.
We ask that you commit to participate weekly in our in-person meetings, or over Zoom. There will be both live teachings and group meetings with time for questions, discussions and ministry. We also ask that you prayerfully read, watch and complete all the material in the assignments provided to you weekly in advance of the next live meeting.
We commit to pray for you and stand with you as you dive into deeper places in your relationship with God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. We pray you will experience revelation in areas you may never have considered, no matter what your experience or maturity in the Lord. There is always more!
We pray you will encounter healing in your bodies as well as your hearts, restoration of things and even dreams lost, find new passion to seek the face of Jesus, gain a deep, unshakeable sense of belonging not to an organization but to the very family of God, as a precious, highly esteemed and wanted son or daughter.
May Level I impact and equip you to not only catch the fire of God, but to spread it everywhere you go!
You are going to SHINE!
The Senior Leaders & The Kingdom Life School Team